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Let your colleagues reward each other for good job!

Watch now How does it work 1:04 min

No credit card required

Kindling Kindness ❤️

Showing appreciation with useful rewards

Merging Minds 🧠

Encouraging extraordinary helpfulness

Empowering Everyone 💪

Boosting morale by demonstrating trust

Crowdbonus makes people feel...


How many companies trust their teams to reward their colleagues? Teams, who use crowdbonus consider it a unique and valuable element of their corporate culture.


It's a torrent of genuine Thank you's that your team crowdsources every month! As one person put it - "It's like Christmas every month!"


Do not underestimate the power of the crowd! While the size of the bonus does matter, the feeling of fairness and peer-to-peer recognition matters the most!

We have been using crowdbonus for 10 years, here is what our colleagues are telling about it!

A small thing with a massive impact!



It's a unique way to say "Thank you" for the help



It's like Christmas every month!


Infrastructure engineer

You can reward good people for their help. No need to disclose who and why, just if someone is helping you/company you can reward this person


Digital Marketing Specialist

Crowdbonus shows that people appreciate your work. It makes you feel special at that very moment when the crowd bonus is released


Support HR

With Crowdbonus I am confident that the right people will get tangible gratitude and appreciation - by simply doing good things in a company”



Sometimes words are not enough


Office manager

It is an interesting tool that encourages assistance!


New Business Developer

Allows to acknowledge your efforts in a great way!


Senior Engineer / TL

Share CrowdBonus with your company's decision makers!



Growing crowd

Up to 50 users

$ 12.99
$ 24.99

Medium crowd

51-100 users

$ 24.99
$ 49.99

Large crowd

101-200 users

$ 49.99
$ 98.99
Large teams - we got you covered with extra features. Contact Us!
30 days free trial

No credit card required